“Enigma” Segar is produced by Sag Harbor Cigars and Hamptons Cigar Manufactory & Museum. Larry Lak, the founder and owner of the Hamptons Cigar Manufactory and Museum, has a cigar museum on the east end of Long Island, N.Y. and launched the
Sag Harbor “Enigma” Segar.
The cigar is recreated from the 1870s when a local Sag Harbor resident, Mr Joseph Freudenthal, operated a cigar factory in the Huntting Building at the foot of Main Street across from the Post Office, where he employed 75 people, making 70,000 cigars each week, grossing over $100,000 per year. Mr Freudenthal created a special blend from Virginia and Cuban tobacco, called the “Enigma Segar” which he named after the Enigma Club of 1869.
The cigar is handmade the old-fashioned way passing many delicate hands before in an over 35 year’s cigar factory, in Tamboril, Santiago, Dominican Republic.
The Sag Harbor Enigma Segar is packaged in a very unique box, a wooden barrel like an old sailing ship, with ten double robusto cigars.
HamptonsCigarManufactory.com is now an approved merchant with PayPal and sells premium cigars through its secure and blue-chip credit-card processing system.
This article was publishedi n Cigarro Dominicano. The entire issue #153 may be seen here: